Undoubtedly, among the great issues of today, one of the thorniest is power generation. We are all clear that it is an essential activity for everyone and, in addition, we know that it generates a major impact on the environment.
The question then has been for many years, how to generate energy without significantly damaging the environment? It seems that the clearest answer lies in the alternatives that, during their process and application, contribute to a lesser degree to the deterioration of the air, land or water.
Sometimes, especially in the news or in conversations, I have noticed that renewable and clean energy are confused. It is important to understand the difference: a renewable energy is one that is not depleted by its sources, such as solar, wind, tidal, geothermal or biomass.
Clean energies, for their part, are those that do not make harmful emissions to the environment. There can be renewable and clean energy, renewable energy that is not clean, and more combinations.
To know if an energy is clean, its management must be analyzed. Only in this way can it be accurately assessed whether in reality its impact is less harmful and benefits the community where it is established.
Therefore, we must be careful with the terms, since surely "renewable energy" is synonymous for many with non-polluting. The truth is that not all renewable energy, due to the fact that it is renewable, no longer pollutes or causes harm.
In short, although it is a complicated subject, it is well worth finding out about energy generation if we share a concern for improving the environment worldwide.